Hi Everyone. I think I am finally on top of everything, It's amazing how much goes by the wayside. This is very different to my normal posts, but I thought it would be a record of whats going on in our world right now. I have never been political, but like a lot of others there are some points that have really annoyed me, especially over the last couple of weeks. It's been clear that 'Point Scoring' seems to be a lot more important to some than allowing certain people to get on with what is so important.
Firstly, I want to say a huge thank you to Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, Dominic Raab, Rishi Sunak and everyone in the Government along with the team behind them who are ensuring 'we're all in this together' and more importantly 'We're coming out of this Together'. Thanks also to all the frontline staff in a variety of positions, from all areas of Healthcare, Delivery Drivers, Food Suppliers etc, the list really is endless, but everyone of them are helping us all to stay safe.

Wasn't it wonderful to hear the Queen's message to the Nation,such a wonderful lady, calming and reassuring to listen to. It's always a pleasure to listen to her. We're all going through such a challenging and traumatic period at present. The governments approach throughout this time has been in the best interests of every person in the United Kingdom.It has been professional at all times, taking into account the scientific data, but always in the best way possible to protect every person. Measures have also been brought in to protect the economy and businesses, it's understandable that they can't save every business, but the package they have made available is immense.

Is it time for a National Government? To maximise the Coronavirus effort? I think the Government has done an excellent job and I honestly believe they could continue to lead us through these unparalleled circumstances. I think that with Party Politics set aside for the duration, it would alleviate any unnecessary distractions.
We're all aware of the colossal task and the mammoth surge in demand for both PPE & those demanding supplies. PPE on the frontline is imperative to protect those in the NHS and working in the Health and Social care sector, everyone in the Government is working 24/7 to ensure the safety of everyone. Each minute spent backbiting or disputing their action, is time taken away from the more important job of tracking this Pandemic.
They are providing,supplying and procuring huge amounts of PPE, It's a huge task and they are all working tirelessly to get it to the places that need it. A majority of frontline locations are getting the equipment they need. But there are reports highlighting some areas where PPE is in short supply and is urgently needed, there have been huge improvements made and they are constantly working towards 100%.It's imperative that all frontline staff have everything they need, especially as they are putting themselves at risk day in and day out to protect us all.

It goes without saying that the best policy is to be open with the public,However constant squabbling about the lock down extension is not conducive and does little to ease public anxiety. It's fairly obvious to a majority of the public that the restrictions are going to remain in place for the foreseeable future. To relax them at present moment would destroy any gains made by the sacrifices of the past 3 weeks. It would be better to have the restrictions in place for a longer period, than to lose lives which can be saved.
Why on earth must the media,constantly ask about the measures.When will the be relaxed? How will they be implemented etc? These are impossible to predict without the necessary reports, as it has been pointed out time after time. Obviously the Government would like to lift the restrictions as soon as possible, minimising damage to the economy as much as possible. But they have to act responsibly and in the best interests of safety and progress.
It really doesn't help, listening to all the bickering about when and how they will be lifted, no one has a crystal ball, the Government will lift the restrictions when they know it's the right thing to do. It's incredibly stressful to have all these varying opinions about the lock down and when/how it will work. The Government has said, and will keep saying that they will make the decisions based on the data, when they have it.
On the BBC News this morning, Rachel Reeves mentioned the need for discussion with regard to the lifting of restrictions. She also said Parliament should reopen, albeit in a different way to adhere to the social distancing regulations, to maintain safety.
It had already been confirmed a few days ago, that they will reopen on the 21st April, probably remotely. Obviously lifting restrictions does require a great deal of thought and discussion, taking into account all of the relevant data and scientific research.Ensuring that any easing of the restrictions is done responsibly when it's prudent to alter or lift them.
In my opinion however, It's simply not possible to have a concrete exit strategy for lifting the restrictions, it will need careful thought. Parliament can discuss a wide range of different measures and possibilities, but the order in which they could be implemented would be dependent on the scientific evidence and data to show if/when it would be right to do so. There just can't be a one size that fits all.
It's not something for the media to keep asking about, the lifting of the restrictions will be an ongoing and constantly changing discussion, that will need careful consideration to maintain the gains that have been made by keeping up the social distancing measures.

In the current climate, when action is of paramount importance and every minute counts, Is it time to create a National Government to deal with this dreadful Pandemic? Time will be better spent maximising the support given to all areas, rather than criticising the Governments handling of the crisis. This is totally different to anything anyone has ever had to deal with before. No one can possibly say whether the actions have been right or wrong, Boris Johnson & his team have acted on the best available data, information, scientific research and advice. Time spent 'Taking the Government to Task' as Kier Starmer says he wants to, Is time wasted, when working together would be more constructive. It's really not the time for blame, it's time to pull together and act in the best possible way.

On the one hand Kier Starmer says he's not interested in 'Scoring Points' against the Government, but rather contribute, his actions and comments tell a very different story. Which is a great shame, It's just what the country needs right now, opposition that can put politics aside for the good of the country. Everybody needs to play their part to stop the virus spreading and save lives. The UK needs to act as ONE, this situation needs a united front.

During a BBC interview Yesterday, Liz Kendall said more or less the same with regard to lifting the restrictions. She added that the Government needs to be transparent and include deaths outside of hospital rather than hide them from the public. The interviewer had actually been told earlier that those numbers were published each week for everyone to see, it was also explained that these deaths are not available in time to be included within the daily figures. Rather than share this information with her, he acted shocked when she said the numbers weren't being made available.
For anyone interested in the figures, they are published every Tuesday at 9.30. Due to the lag in reporting and registering these deaths are not included in the Numbers given at the daily Number 10 briefing, but they are not hidden. HERE ARE THE WEEKLY FIGURES.
From our discussions last week, I know a lot of you have been put of watching the evening briefings. I have been watching daily and sadly I can tell you that the questions from the media have not changed, the same questions are being asked day in day out. Honestly the ridiculous questions asked by them are beyond a joke.Many of them wasted,each asking the same question. Do they actually not listen to the previous questions and answers?In fact do they actually take note of what the panel is presenting, you wouldn't think so to watch.
Agreed, It's painful to watch, but it perfectly demonstrates why our newspapers are full of rubbish. Nine times out of ten the answers are twisted to suit the reporters agenda, by the time they reach print. This is why I like to watch live, you cant really rely on the transcripts provided by the media and rarely reflect the true content,and often dramatised.
These people have the privilege to put forward their questions and yet 80% are repetitive. Many important questions are never asked, we could be receiving valuable and beneficial information, if only the media worked together.
I have started a Mixed Media Journal with news,art and photos from all over the world. I'd love to hear from you, how are you doing,Keeping safe and well. It's great to be back and I hope to share a lot more with you over the next few months. It will be different to todays post.
Todays was written as It's so sad that with so many people working tirelessly and yet there are some that feel the need to rip them apart and criticise rather than offer support and assistance. It's not right, it's time to pull together.
Take Care,Stay Safe & Happy Crafting.xxx