
Saturday 18 September 2021

About My Just Giving Page: Thank you for the support.

I have started a Just Giving Page, I am hoping to get together enough to fund an Oxygen Concentrator. I have kept my health conditions fairly private, but the last 2 years have taken their toll and I find that now I just can't cope and keeping them under wraps is pretty much impossible. I thought I would add a video, all the words on earth can't explain what it's like. If you can help me, or you would just like to take a look at the page please take a look at: If you just want to take a look at my video, you can watch it on YouTube, or click on the video below.

This is the 4th or 5th attempt at saying a few words, it's quite obvious that I am going to have trouble saying thank you. I am so grateful to the people who have donated already, I can't begin to thank you enough. Having tried out the Oxygen Concentrator, I have experienced the difference it will make. It's hard to explain just how difficult things are at the moment, I am constantly breathless and the slightest increase in activity make breathing even more of a struggle. The G5, really will give me my life back and improve the quality. Take care & Stay Safe.x


  1. Sending Hugs Nick and thing of you my friend x

  2. Thank you so much Margaret, I really appreciate your support. I means a lot to me, it really does. It's been a dreadful time, but hopefully I can get what I need, from what I felt when I had the assessment, it will improve the quality of my life no end. My breathing has gone downhill very quickly, far faster than I had expected. But at least I have the support now and a prescription for the Oxygen I need. Take care and thanks again. Nick x
